When the Pain is too much to bear Part I

Where do we go when the pain is so piercing you feel the need to run, maybe even hide, but where do you go?
Everything doesn’t make sense anymore. Fear takes over and the most you can do is cry out along with the ache you feel because your heart is being squeezed so hard it bursts and now it’s broken and you can hardly breathe.

Yeah, I’ve been there.

To be honest… pain, piercing, running, hiding, fear, crying, aching and brokenness…are the words I can’t even begin to explain to help you understand the pain.


Why do we go to another place when it all just doesn’t make sense?


We will probably never know the reasons why, but I know the “why” question is the means to the pain when it’s all over.

Does this sound like a person who has it all together and can handle any hard thing? I will say NO. I don’t have it all together. 99.99% of the time I can’t handle the hard things, not well anyways, and surely not gracefully. I’ve learned many truths going through the hard things. Those times so gut wrenching I can’t even imagine trying to get through it, let alone live through it.
One thing I know for sure is that when we have this hard gut wrenching thing we have to experience, the only way to get passed it, is to go THROUGH IT!

Even worse is when it’s a loved one you see, love and adore and they will have to go through it. All I can see is their innocence, and its heart wrenching. It’s these times I will stand in the gap I will take the blows right along with them, we will persevere through it together… even when they don’t even know it.

So, how exactly do we go through it?

Exactly how it sounds…it’s like a hurricane so powerful it pierces through the skin and bones straight to the soul. That’s the starting point. No warning just full fledged smack in the middle of the hurricane. There is no amount of preparation when that first blow hits! Even though you thought you were safe in your “strong house” you’re not, because the winds of that hurricane are stronger.

Everything dear and precious to you is hit so hard you can’t even think straight, not to mention with those heavy winds everything around you is being destroyed.
How do we get through that kind of storm in our lives? Better yet, I’d like to meet this person who came up with the “You have to go through it” statement.

Oh wait…I do know that person…It’s Jesus Christ.

Things just got real!!!




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