When the pain is too much to bear Part 2

Wow! So much has happened since February of 2020 Part 1 of this blog.

As we all know the Covid-19 virus hit the world by March 2020, it was in full force, Life as we knew it was forever changed.

Not only the loss of my precious beloved mother that year and the pain within the hurricane of my life at that time, I now had the Covid-19 virus tossed into the already active hurricane I was already in…The mighty winds and heavy rains and chaos that clouded my mind, now covid too had entered the picture and I was forced to see things within that hurricane within the hurricane I was already in.

The whole world now was forced to “Go Through” the pain.

In looking back I can see I had much to “Go through” I’ve now come to terms with that truth.

Talk about loss in every sense of the word! At the end of Part 1 where I said; “Things just got real”…what an understatement!

Here I am almost 2 years later ready to talk about it.

Fear and Chaos are very real and both can paralyze us if we allow them to consume us.

I would have to be honest and admit that at that time while writing Part 1 of this blog I was in the thick of it with no end in sight.

My first instinct, at that time, was to run and hide but when you’re in the middle of a hurricane everything is in chaos and you’re being torn to shreds and you just have to be consumed by it and “hope” you’ll make it out alive.

Let’s walk this journey together today. Let me explain how I am able to write to you in the present and be able to look back at such a horrific time in my life. This is how I got “through it”. Let’s take up where I left off when Jesus said; “We have to go through it”

I want to reference from Psalm 23 because it’s all about how Jesus is walking us “Through” our many Hurricanes throughout our lifetime.

Verse 1 starts by letting us know that He is our Shepherd and shepherds not only lead their flocks, they also pays close attention to them, guide them and protect them as well. So we see that no matter what we will “go through” he’s going to be there with us. We see where Jesus lets us rest like in verse 2 by green meadows and peaceful streams. We can compare that to when things are going good in our life, it seems we haven’t a worry in the world and its there in verse 3 where he helps us renew our strength by “preparing” us for the challenges and pressure of life. So we are resting, listening, and waiting in peace. We can’t see that far ahead, but He can. He’s preparing us for the heavy blows of the hurricanes that will knock the breath out of us leaving us gasping for air…but He is there. By the time we get to verse 4 we are already walking in the darkest valley, even walking towards death, we’re in the thick of the horrific hurricane, not knowing if we’re going to make it out alive. We read that He is CLOSE beside us. He can see us; He knows exactly where we are. We may be lost in the hurricane but remember the winds and the rain obey HIM (Matthew 8:27) we may not be able to “see” him while in the storm but we can “feel” his precious hand as He pulls us out.

I am in V5 today because I put my trust in the truths of His Word. He is faithful. When everything else in life fails us …He never will. You see, when we take him at his word and put our trust in him, we may be battered and bruised coming out of the hurricane but it’s here “He anoints our head with oil and we are overflowed with blessings” He honors us (our faith to trust him) in verse 6 we can “Sit with Him” and “delight” in the comfort of His presence, protection and care, all the days of our lives and the new life to come in the heavenly places. 

I made it out alive.

So did my mother as she passed away and now alive in the presence of Jesus himself. And my circumstance, the one that was the cause of my hurricane back in 2020, that too the Lord has mended and renewed and has a plan set apart for that very cause. As for the Covid-19 virus well…God was never surprised by it and many have come to Him for protection because of it. He is at work in the lives of those who call to him for help…never realizing He’s been there the whole time.



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