
snowAs much as I don’t like to admit it, the snow does look beautiful coming down from the sky. It is ever so lightly landing on the ground and laying quietly, and looking like a soft, fluffy, white canvas. It looks perfect and makes me appreciate the wonders and changes of the seasons. Life is like that isn’t it? At times light, quiet and clean, but many times just as the seasons change dramatically in temperature, so do our lives and circumstances. I’ve had my share of seasons in my life, realistically speaking and metaphorically speaking. All I know is change is inevitable and with cause. If time and seasons stood still there would be no growth and so it is with the seasons in our lives, if we didn’t have those seasons of bitter freezing or squelching heat how would we know the difference? Change is good, change is growth. Now hurry up winter, spring is around the corner waiting to show up with the sun and the Son to show off the beauty it holds…warmth, color, and change.

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